Apply online for a voucher to help with costs of euthanasia*.
The RainbowTAILS voucher covers $35 of the expenses for euthanasia and cremation (with no ashes returned). If you choose burial or wish for ashes to be returned, it will be at owner's expense as cost varies greatly. *Kootenai County residents ONLY at this time *Services performed by Companions Animal Center See more info here: Companions Animal Center End of Life Services |
How to Know When It's Time Deciding to put your dog or cat to sleep is a difficult choice to make, and there's rarely a clear-cut answer to when the end is near. By evaluating your pet, you can make compassionate and caring arrangements to minimize the suffering of your four-legged loved one.
Caring For Your Pet After Death
The care of your pet's remains after death is one of the last things you wish to think about while dealing with your grief. The sorrow you feel from losing a pet is difficult to bear. However, after the death of your pet, there is a decision you will need to make right away.
Mourning the Loss of Your Pet
Grieving for the loss of your pet is an important part of coping. If you have lost a special animal companion, the emotions can become overwhelming. Take some time out to grieve your loss.