When you have a nonprofit organization that doesn’t have one focus it’s hard not to want to show the community all it has to offer.
If I could express my excitement into a single article it wouldn’t be enough. So let’s start from the beginning. LaRain Saige lived on a farm it and that is how her passion and compassion developed for animals and the realization that her passion can become her life. LaRain is a firm believer that humans should have a pet. With pet ownership comes pet care and how do you find proper pet care? Generally you call around for hours searching for the best veterinarian, groomer, and dog food. LaRain wanted to be the place you call to get such information and that is how The TAILS Foundation was born. LaRain is knowledgeable in home remedies for pet illnesses and will also point you in the direction of the best veterinarian in town. If you are struggling financially no animal will go hungry Food4TAILS is the pet food bank.
Is your child begging for an animal? WiseTAILS is the pet education class every child should be involved in before owning a pet. This class not only goes over every possible pet but also touches on proper care, food, life span, but how you bond with animals. LaRain’s mantra of everyone should own a pet she also understands senior citizens need a companion. So of course SeniorTAILS had to be included of one of the incredible services of TAILS. Senior citizens may be immobile and unable to take their dogs on a walk or to the vet. TAILS offers volunteers to walk dogs or bring the dog to the vet if needed and also helps with financial responsibility.
We appreciate your help please share and care.
$100.00 helps one pet cross the Rainbow Bridge. click here
$50.00 feeds 5 cats/dogs. click here
$25.00 Membership gets you discounts with our sponsorS. Click here
If I could express my excitement into a single article it wouldn’t be enough. So let’s start from the beginning. LaRain Saige lived on a farm it and that is how her passion and compassion developed for animals and the realization that her passion can become her life. LaRain is a firm believer that humans should have a pet. With pet ownership comes pet care and how do you find proper pet care? Generally you call around for hours searching for the best veterinarian, groomer, and dog food. LaRain wanted to be the place you call to get such information and that is how The TAILS Foundation was born. LaRain is knowledgeable in home remedies for pet illnesses and will also point you in the direction of the best veterinarian in town. If you are struggling financially no animal will go hungry Food4TAILS is the pet food bank.
Is your child begging for an animal? WiseTAILS is the pet education class every child should be involved in before owning a pet. This class not only goes over every possible pet but also touches on proper care, food, life span, but how you bond with animals. LaRain’s mantra of everyone should own a pet she also understands senior citizens need a companion. So of course SeniorTAILS had to be included of one of the incredible services of TAILS. Senior citizens may be immobile and unable to take their dogs on a walk or to the vet. TAILS offers volunteers to walk dogs or bring the dog to the vet if needed and also helps with financial responsibility.
We appreciate your help please share and care.
$100.00 helps one pet cross the Rainbow Bridge. click here
$50.00 feeds 5 cats/dogs. click here
$25.00 Membership gets you discounts with our sponsorS. Click here